Mechanical Definitions
Electric ignition : It is ab ignition of a charge of
fuel vapour and air in an internal combustion engine by passing
a high voltage electric curent between two electrodes in the
combustion chamber. |
Electric locomotive : It is a locomotive operated by
electric power from an external source. Sources include a system
of continuous overhead wires, or sometimes, a third rail mounted
alongside the track, or an on-board electricity storage device.
Electric power system : It is a complex assemblage of
equipment and circuits for generating, transmitting, transforming,
and distributing electric energy. It transforms other types
of energy into electrical energy and transmits this energy to
a consumer. |
Electric stacker : It is a stacker whose carriage is
raised and lowered by a winch powered by electric storage batteries.
Electric vehicle : Any ground vehicle whose original
source of energy is electric power, such as an electric car
or electric locomotive. It has one or more electric motors for
propultion. Often called electric drive vehicle. |
Electrodrill : It is a drilling machine which is driven
by electric power. |
Electrodynamic instrument : An instrument that depends
for its operation on the reaction between the current in one
or more movable coils and the current in one or more fixed coils.
It measures electric charge or electrical potential defference.
Also known as electrodynamometer. |
Electrodynamic wattmeter : An electrodynamic instrument
connected as a wattmeter, with the main current flowing through
the fixed coil and a small current proportional to the voltage
flowing through the movable coil. It is also called moving-coil
wattmeter. |
Electroexplosive : It is an initiator or a system in
which an electric impulse initiates detonation or deflagration
of an explosive. |
Electrograph : Any plot, graph or tracing produced by the action of an electric current on prepared sensitized paper (or other chart material) or by means of an electrically stylus or pen.
Electrokinetograph : An instrument used to measure ocean
current velocities based on their electrical effects in the
magnetic field of the earth. It measures motions of sea water
from a moving vessel. |